Despite the book just offers 14 pages of preview, yet it gives us a glimpse on what aspects of English should the material designers and learners take into consideration when designing an EAP material for future journalists as some words may provoke readers and language did change from time to time, for instance, "‘Paedophilia’, which originally meant sex with children, is now used to cover sex with young people above the age of puberty but below the legal age of consent."
Despite the book just offers 14 pages of preview, yet it gives us a glimpse on what aspects of English should the material designers and learners take into consideration when designing an EAP material for future journalists as some words may provoke readers and language did change from time to time, for instance, "‘Paedophilia’, which originally meant sex with children, is now used to cover sex with young people above the age of puberty but below the legal age of consent."